IIT- Italian Institute of Technology
Center for Human Technologies (CHT)
Research Domain in Technologies for Life sciences (LIFETECH)
CHT is part of the research network created by the Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), a scientific research centrer based in Genoa (Italy) and established by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and the Ministry of Economy and Finance with laboratories at some of the most important Italian universities and 2 outstations in the USA, at MIT and Harvard. Its aim is to promote excellence in both basic and applied research and to facilitate the economic development at national level. IIT has a staff of about 1700 people with more than 80% of personnel dedicated to research. Half of the researchers come from abroad, of which 32% are foreign and 18% are Italian researchers coming back to Italy after a professional experience abroad. The average age of the IIT staff is 35 years, with a gender distribution of 42% women and 58% men. IIT’s production includes more than 14,000 publications, over 200 European projects and more than 40 ERC (European Research Council) projects, almost 1000 active patent applications and 23 established start-ups.
At CHT in Genova we have a fully equipped lab with state-of-the-art instruments including:
Next Generation Sequencing Facility (NovaSeq6000, ChromiumGenome-10x Genomics, Nanopore PromethION).
Cell Culture Facility hosting three cell culture hoods (for stem cells, primary neuronal cells and stable cell lines respectively)
FACS and Cell Sorting Facility (BD FACSAriaII)
Imaging Facility including microscopes for live imaging analyses
Other instruments include: qPCRs, Qubit, Bioanalyzer, sonicator etc.